Meet The FDO Staff: Brant Hill

You guys, if you don’t know Brant, then you need to. Hands down, one of the funniest humans I have ever met. He will keep you in stitches. But, on a serious note, most don’t know that Brant actually got the Bubonic Plague and almost didn’t make it. I have never heard of anyone getting that, but Brant. Also, he played football for the University of Arkansas! Truly one of the nicest people you will ever come across. I am excited to share his interview with you guys so you can get to know him better.

Tell us about your first experience hunting.

Brant: My first experience hunting was with a Red Ryder BB gun as a little guy. I grew up north of Edmond, OK on a large acreage and had lots of room to roam around. We chased all sorts of small game in the neighborhood. My first deer hunt was over Thanksgiving on our family farm in East Texas with my mom. I was about 8 or 9 when I killed my first deer, it was a nice 8-point deer.

Did you ever make a mistake hunting that you learned from? What did that teach you?

Brant: I have made several mistakes over the last 31 years. From being impatient and doing walkabouts, accessing stands from the wrong direction, learned about thermal and wind direction, lots of mistakes. I think every year in the woods you learn something about the game you are pursuing and the land you are hunting.

What’s your favorite game to hunt and why?

Brant: I love to deer hunt but something about hog hunting really gets my blood pumping. The option to hunt year-round with any and all weapons. Plus, hunting out of a helicopter… does it get any better?!

Is there a dream hunt that’s on your bucket list? What is it?

Brant: My dream hunt is definitely hunting moose and brown bear in Alaska. It’s always been at the top of my list. The size of the animals, the “fear factor” of hunting something that is above you on the food chain, and the surroundings have always had a magical draw. I will be living out that hunt in September of 2023 with my dad as we make our way to the Alaskan bush to pursue moose and coastal brown bear.

How did you start filming for FDO? What do you hope your hunts and experiences trigger in other hunters who are watching you on social media or TV?

Brant: I started filming hunts and fishing trips in college with a buddy, and our early stuff was pretty bad. After college, my friend Eric and myself started filming our deer hunting misadventures. They were pretty comical as we had no professional experience but we had a lot of fun. In 2012 Brad reached out to me after knowing each other for several years. We did some waterfowl hunting together. He asked if I would like to join as a staffer. I immediately got after putting everything outdoors on film. I hope that my footage brings entertainment to our audience as well as an appreciation for the outdoors. Its not always about the kill, but the experience. As hunters that film, we get to share that with people who otherwise may not have that privilege.

We all know that having children for sure changes our lives. You have two precious little ones now. Has becoming a parent changed anything about how you hunt? Have you found balance between being in the woods and becoming a new father?

Brant: Being a parent definitely changes your hunting time. We are now in the sports phase so Saturday games during hunting season creates an internal struggle. This year, I decided to be a ball parent and miss hunting during the month of March. I wanted to support Major and help Leslie with Sunny. I will be incorporating Major into rifle season. He’s obsessed with driving around scouting deer and riding the tractor. The transition should be pretty easy.

What advice would you give hunters if you could give any word to encourage them?

Brant: I would tell hunters to have fun and pass along the tradition of hunting. We all get caught up chasing a trophy, but its about much more than that. Don’t overlook your journey to the hunting woods, the time with friends in deer camp, and pass the tradition to the next generation.


Ashley Nicholas is an avid outdoorswoman and a licensed medical aesthetician. Her passions include her faith, family, photography and the outdoors. Born and raised in the midlands of South Carolina, in 2015 Ashley moved west and started a family in Oklahoma with her husband, FDO staffer Adam Nicholas. Recently, Ashley and her family returned to the family farm in the Carolinas for a more self-sustaining lifestyle. Fun fact: Ashley recently started a bowhunting community to show admiration and appreciation to local bowhunters with hope to strike more bowhunting interest in her home state of South Carolina.